Monday, February 1, 2010

Dreams Can Come True

In my Applied Psych class I have to do an assignment that consists of two weeks of dream analysis. I am really pumped about this because the godfather of psychology Sigmund Freud is an icon of mine. His work regarding the interpretations of dreams is an inspiring book. His views and ideas are not widely accepted by the psychology world but EVERY book used across the country to teach psychology mentions the psychodynamic approach or psychoanalysis. Both of which are topics that are Freudian studies. His specialty was therapy in which he rooted deep into the minds of thousands of patients and came up with his unorthodox theories. These theories were ridiculed almost as much as Freud himself but still his work is taught more than 100 years later.

I have had two dreams since the assignment was given to me about a week ago. I am sure I have had more than two dreams this week but I have only remembered two upon waking. As soon as I wake up I am staring at my notebook so I do not forget to write them down before I have time to forget them. It really is interesting that you can control the memorization of your dreams to an extent. If you tell yourself "I will remember my dreams when I wake up tomorrow morning", your chances of actually remembering them is increased. It may take a couple of nights but if you concentrate on telling yourself to remember them and actually want to then it is very possible. I know many people, as well as myself, wish we could have a direct impact on the content of our dreams but most of them are related to what has happened to us or what we want to happen to us. I hope to have an interesting dream tonight that I remember in the morning. I encourage you to also try to remember your dreams. After all dreams can come true.


  1. Dear Dreamweaver,

    Since I was a little girl I've had this reoccurring dream. Someone is chasing me and as they get closer, they start to grab me, I then float and rise into the air. The person chasing me can only touch the bottom of my feet with their fingertips as I float away. Then, I wake up. Can you get your buddy Siggy to interpret this dream?

  2. this is a cool blog, i had to do that in high school for one of my classes and keep a dream journal. I thought it was neat how everything in your dream has a reason and theres a twist behind it and how it goes off your everyday real life!

  3. kimberly: I am having a good time with it. It is weird how much they relate to everyday life, sometimes in an abstract way but still connect somehow. Dejavu makes sense now.

    nancy: Siggy said that your able to fly but only about six or seven feet off the ground. But he said your running ability is superior. As for who is chasing you he said you have to look at his face while your running next time.

  4. Dream inturpitation is super cool, it s a great way for the unconcious mind to communicate with the concious mind.
