Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Application Pending

Nearly two months ago I filled out an application for a Security Officer position at Lumiere Place Casino. I was not aware of how much work and time was going to be involved in the application process. It has now been close to 45 days of in-processing, and I have filled out an additional application that was more than 30 pages long. I have also made two or three trips a week to St. Louis. I have applied and received three separate license, and have had to miss way too many classes.

I remember my first job and the application that I filled out there, nothing like the most recent. My first job was at the Orchards Golf Course in 1996. The only thing they wanted was my name and address, and how much money to take out for taxes. I do not even think the application was a full page long. Those were the good ol days though, you know when gas was 97 cents a gallon. I just pumped gas today, 14 years later, and paid $2.79 a gallon.

I guess the 30 page application and all of the background checks and fingerprinting may have a purpose but not 6 weeks to process. As of this date April, 6, 2010 I have been offered the position but have not started working. My application is pending....