Sunday, January 24, 2010


My name is Chris Lewis and I am a Psychology student currently enrolled at Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC) in Belleville. My life has been enjoyable for the most part, I am happily married and am the proud father of the greatest two year old boy under the sun. I have had many jobs and have traveled some, but nothing in my past work history can compete with my recently acquired passion for psychology. I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and have worked jobs ranging from a cook at McDonald's to being a Union Iron Worker.

The goal for my education, that I set for myself just over three months ago, is that I would like to complete the masters in psychology program at St. Louis University. Who knows maybe even the doctorate program. Psychology is a subject that has taken a person (me) who hates to read anything and changed him into someone that cannot read enough psychology related information. Now I find myself reading dictionaries of medical terms.

I am expecting to thoroughly enjoy this semester at SWIC. I am taking two psychology classes, Applied Psych and Life-Span Development. I am also taking a literature and an art class, both of which are in unfamiliar subjects but seem they will be very enjoyable.

I feel confident writing about sports as I am a huge fan of all sports and have a decent amount of knowledge that make writing easier. As time goes on I am getting more comfortable with the topics associated with the brain and psychology. Most of my blogs will mention something about my newly found love, psychology.


  1. I have learned some new things about you. Your blog title is great! I hope you do enjoy the class and share your newfound psycho-babble wisdom with us.

  2. Even though i dont know you very well, this helped me a little but i would have never guessed you were majoring in psychology, but thats awesome, and speaking of sports what about that saints vikings game the other night.

  3. I didn't know that you were an Aspiring Psycho. That sounds interesting. I have the dictionaries of medical terms too. I had to take medical law for my program. That was very eye opening and brain taxing. But, I loved it. See you in class...oh great Aspiring Psycho!

  4. Hi lewis its me shannon!
    By reading your blog, i can tell that you have a lot going for yourself. I find psychology very interesting ....but not interesting enough to major in it...some of that stuff kinda freaks me out! lol. BUt anywho thank you for commenting on my blog and I hope you achieve your goals!

    Shannon Fant
